Hardcore History 51 – Blueprint for Armageddon II

(8 customer reviews)
Release date: January 30, 2014
Duration: 03:20:29
Filesize: 184 MB


The Great Powers all come out swinging in the first round of the worst war the planet has ever seen. Millions of men in dozens of armies vie in the most deadly and complex opening moves of any conflict in world history.

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8 reviews for Hardcore History 51 – Blueprint for Armageddon II

  1. mhoostal

    Thanks so much for delivering this series for free. Its a boon for those without great expendable money but still an interest in history.

  2. daybreaking

    Absolutely fantastic! One of my favorite podcasts of all time. Dan makes the subject matter as engaging as a thriller while being very informative about history.

  3. ndeezy27

    The most amazing piece of storytelling I’ve ever heard. The Blueprint for Armageddon series hooked me onto HH. As a result, I’ve purchased, and listened repeatedly to all of Dan’s episodes. I can’t fathom how somebody can listen to this episode and not be moved in some way.

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