Hardcore History 51 – Blueprint for Armageddon II

(8 customer reviews)
Release date: January 30, 2014
Duration: 03:20:29
Filesize: 184 MB


The Great Powers all come out swinging in the first round of the worst war the planet has ever seen. Millions of men in dozens of armies vie in the most deadly and complex opening moves of any conflict in world history.

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8 reviews for Hardcore History 51 – Blueprint for Armageddon II

  1. ghawkinsm

    Stunningly comprehensive and engrossing narration. It’s a shame that this review section is not available in the more recent episodes of Blueprint for Armageddon or Kings of Kings. Dan & team, give me the ability to shower you in more 5-star ratings.

  2. Bouke

    Hello Dan,
    I do like your view of History,and i do share my admiration of the Mongol empire.
    The Mongol invasion was a game changer in Europe and led to so many things.
    What i do not believe in is the strength of the German army during the second world war
    Blitzkrieg is an economic form of war. It means that the factory workers can only be away for about 3 months and after that have to resume their work at the factory again
    So the strength of thye German army in ww-2 is not that strong and it all becomes clear at the moment when the German invasion of the Soviet-Union is under way.
    It is true the German army made to may mistakes, but most of all it was hubris after the fall of France. The conquest of France would be the downfall for the third reich.
    Operation barbarossa was to big for the German army to handle. I am not sure if you have heard of David Stahel, but his line of books paint a different picture.
    To me the most shoking thing was the relavations about general Halder. How the man kept on pushing the German army, beyound colaps. It is funny how general Ludendorf fits in all of this. When you want to understand Hitler you have to learn about Ludendorf
    Hitler in the early 20s called him selfe a drummerboy for a bigger man to arive.
    I am sure that man was Ludendorf. I gues after the putch Hitler felt betrayed by Ludendorf, but his november stab in the back stayed on and would lead to the holocaust

  3. M

    Simply Amazing! Very interesting and entertaining. And obviously informative.

  4. Natasha

    Imagine if… What a great start of Blueprint. My friend has recently discovered Dan’s podcast, and excitedly told me about the Blueprint. I was hooked from the beginning and this was the unforgettable first experience of Dan’s narrative. I have since then gone through many episodes and got the full archive. I hope to hook my kids on them once they learn English well enough to understand. Thank you so much for reviving my love for history! Unmatched story telling!

  5. Joshua


    If this Blueprint To Armageddon were the Bible, I’d be a Priest. I tell everyone about this series, and it’s what got me started on your podcasts. I honestly feel that WW1 explains so much of the modern condition of the West

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