Common Sense 324 – What’s Good for the Goose

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Publish Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2025 13:22:35 PST

Duration: 1:31:26 minutes – Size: 66.5mb

Description: “The U.S. political stage has long been primed for an American nightmare. Faction loyalists can argue over who’ll end up pulling the constitutional trigger, but the metaphorical gun has been loaded for decades.”

Keywords: Trump,Constitution, politics, current events, history, autocracy, liberty, freedom, fascism, democracy, U.S., American, United States, podcast, coup, common sense, Republican, Democratic, libertarian

Show Notes: 

1. “The Decline and Fall of the American Republic” by Bruce Ackerman

2. Lincoln letter to William H. Herndon dated Feb. 15. 1848

“Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 1 [1824-Aug. 28, 1848].”
(University of Michigan Library Digital Collections)

3. John Yoo answer in 2008 “torture memo” testimony