The overriding emotion I feel when I think about our podcasts and endeavors that flow from them is gratitude. We have been so fortunate and we have many people to thank for that good fortune.
It sounds cliché to thank the listeners, but as a truly listener-supported program like ours it’s the reason we are still doing this. It’s as simple as that. “A buck-a-show it’s all we ask” we said, and enough people thought that sounded like a fair trade to get us here. We never forget who pays the bills…and we thank you for being kind enough to do that.
Nick Lay is responsible in large part for the look you see on our website and artwork for the podcasts. We have worked with Nick for many years and along with Steven Lopez (designer of our “Angry Eyes” logo…and yes…those are my eyes for those who’ve asked) he’s given us a look that is instantly associated with our work. They’re the Ralph Steadmans to our Hunter Thompson. Anything of theirs that you don’t like is probably something I told them to do. I’ve been known to ruin fine art in the past, and I’m not above doing it again.
Listener Libby Lynn did a piece of art that we have enjoyed using on our website (the art is now owned by Errol Treslan, who we also thank for letting us use it).
Rob Walch at Wizzard Media has been our friend for many, many years now, and I apologize to his wife for waking him up at all hours with some problem we need him to help us solve. He never says no. The folks at Wizzard/Libsyn have been great partners for us, and Rob is a huge reason why.
If you like our new photos, that’s the work of Tracy and Rob Sydor in Eugene Oregon. I’m not easy for photographers to work with, and they handled me about as well as anyone can. Their photo choices were inspired and they had great ideas. Their slightly punk sensibilities meshed with mine perfectly.
Finally we’d like to make sure we acknowledge our friend Ken Phillips who way back in 2005 said to us: “You know that podcast you’ve been working on? You should launch it NOW.” Ken has always had good timing.
Ok…and maybe a few more…
Joe Rogan
Danielle Bolleli
John Martin
Who am I forgetting Ben?
(and ben?)
Nick Lay
Steven Lopez
Libby Lynn
Blog Artwork